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Is Vitamin C Beneficial for Skin?

is vitamin c beneficial for skin

The skin naturally contains high levels of vitamin C, especially within the outer epidermal skin layer, so is vitamin C beneficial for skin?

A water-soluble nutrient that plays an important role in keeping your body and skin healthy, vitamin C supports important skin functions such as stimulating collagen production and also assisting in vital antioxidant protection.

The high concentration of vitamin C found within the skin can suggest that it actually has numerous vital benefits for skin health, and beyond its antioxidant and collagen supportive qualities.

Working well with other antioxidant skin vitamins, vitamin C is particularly effective at reducing oxidative damage caused by the sun and also minimising the skin damaging effects of pollutants such as smoking and environmental toxins, when it is used in conjunction with vitamin E.


Vitamin C is absolutely essential for producing collagen in the body! As we age the production of these vital building blocks for our skin slows down dramatically, and when applied topically vitamin C can accelerate the production of both collagen and elastin, which provide the skin with its plump, firm and youthful qualities!

Vitamin C is also a powerful tyrosinase inhibitor, as it slows down the enzyme that aids the production of melanin. Assisting hyperpigmentation and abnormal darkened pigment spots on the skin caused by sun exposure, vitamin C helps provide a youthful glow by keeping aged spots at bay and supporting a firmer skin.

Skin Healer

Red and uneven skin tones can also benefit from this anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powerhouse! An amazing skin coloration perfectionist, vitamin C also helps repair and strengthen capillaries, creating a more even and smoother skin complexion.

Also playing a key role in tissue repair and regeneration due to its anti-inflammatory properties, together with its ability to promote collagen production (an essential component of connective tissue) vitamin C is integral to support wound healing of the skin.

These healing qualities are amazing for inflammatory skin conditions such as Eczema, Acne, Rosacea and Dermatitis, which can all really benefit from the repairing and strengthening benefits of vitamin C.

Vitamin C in Skincare

Recent research has shown that when it comes to healthy skin, topical vitamin C is significantly more effective than consuming it through diet.

As a key skincare ingredient, vitamin C can be derived from many sources and is used topically within moiturisers, cleansers and potent serums. However numerous recent studies have shown that vitamin C in its L-Ascorbic Acid form, has the most impactful benefits for your skin health.

As an acid formulation however, care should be taken when using other strong acids routinely within skincare products, such a Vitamin A. Skin cycling acid-based formulations is key to avoid over sensitising the skin and to reduce the chance of a reactive skin rash or irritation response.

Used appropriately and in the desired concentrations, caution aside, vitamin C is absolutely beneficial for skin!

Vitamin C from Nutrition

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, berries, kiwi fruit, broccoli, cabbage and kale, offer many amazing health benefits. Supporting your skin from within is a foundation for health that reaps so many rewards, as fruits and vegetables provide additional health benefits for our bodies other than solely providing essential vitamins and minerals.

However, dietary vitamin C has been shown to generally not provide direct benefits for your skin to see a noticeable improvement, as your internal organs retain and reap the main rewards!

Vitamin C from your foods is sufficient to reach the very lower levels of your skin, however, to gain the most skin benefits of vitamin C, applying topically within regular skincare products will see you with the main skin benefits and rewards!

Vitamin C skin benefits


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